i rebuilt my website, isn't it pretty now (◕‿◕✿)


who am I

i'm sam "puffpastri" posti
just some little guy tryna survive in a doggy dog world


age: [$CURRENT_YEAR] - 2001

location: southern hemisphere

likes: gaming, sonic the hedgehog, jelly, the simpsons, anthropomorphic animals, my friends, cum

dislikes: microsoft windows, the modern internet, physical education, mean people, smartphones

favourite colour: blue (this one #00798f)

favourite games: quake, minecraft, cs:go, binding of isaac, littlebigplanet, deus ex, sonic 06

what is the point of this

originally I made this website because I thought the homogenization of the modern web was really lame.
and I still do hate all that, this website was meant to be a kind of rebellion against the social media giants, because I don't like that they've taken over the internet.

but to be honest, I don't really care anymore.
this website was once meant to be 'nostalgic', an attempt at taking back the web and returning to the old days
my philosophy has changed. this is just a way for me to express myself now. it's my little place on the internet.

follow me

I use social media anyway.